

Written by NoTube Team | Oct 16, 2023 12:56:22 PM

Arian is two and a half years old. He lives in Austria with his family and eats nearly exclusively purees almost solely. In summer 2023, they participated in the Eating School.

Arian is two and a half years old. He lives in Austria with his family and eats nearly exclusively purees almost solely. His hypersensitivity to coarsely pureed foods is so strong that he gags and vomits.  He refuses purees with chunks and is repulsed by solid foods. In addition, he is exclusively spoon-fed.

His parents are very concerned about Arian’s eating development. They want him to learn to eat in an age-appropriate manner and improve his eating skills. In June 2023, they participated in the Eating School in Graz.

This is what Arian´s parents say:

Our son couldn’t eat anything with chunks in it – the moment a chunk entered his mouth, he gagged. I had to puree everything and also spoon-feed him. Not two-months later, our little one was eating with us and on his own. It started after only a couple of days in Graz, toast, Kinder Pingui snack bars, grapes… and now – what can I say? We are super happy we dared to take this step. Our life has normalized, I no longer have to puree anything. When we go out to eat, he can eat with us at the table.

We are absolutely satisfied and recommend the Eating School 100%.

Do you have any questions? Please contact us!